Warren County Sheriff’s Office Court Security Officers preserve order in the court environment. CSOs assist prosecuting officers and prosecutorial officials, as well as handling evidence, managing prisoners, and protecting witnesses.
Additionally, WCSO court security personnel take defendants into custody; track court appearance dates of inmates; and attend to sequestered jurors. The Warren County Sheriff’s Office maintains security and order in county courts in session, including Civil and Criminal Divisions of Circuit and District Courts, Juvenile Court, and Family Court.
The predominant directive of court security officers is the safety of the Justice Center’s occupants, and the preservation of the physical structure of the Warren County Justice Center complex. We at Warren County Sheriff’s Office believe citizens and visitors should have the assurance of protection when in the Warren County Justice Center, and our staff is ever-mindful of our safekeeping and service functions.
Sheriff Hightower and his staff help ensure the safety and security of the Warren County Justice Center while also providing a warm and welcoming environment. We have between 1,400- 2,000 visitors on a daily basis. Therefore, we strive to provide helpful information and direction while staying keenly aware of any potential threat. Our courts are the center of our justice system and the Warren County Sheriff’s Office Court Security model has been emulated by sheriff’s offices state and nationwide, even internationally, and has earned a position of distinction with the International Association of Court Officers and Security.