The Warren County Sheriff’s Patrol Division is responsible for providing 24-hour law enforcement service to the unincorporated areas of the 547 miles of Warren County. Duties of patrol are to assist, safeguard, and serve the 110,000 citizens of our county in those jurisdictions.
Integrity, trustworthiness and excellence define our organization and our leaders, our strategies, decisions and our conduct. Each deputy is a high-ranking graduate of the police academy, receiving annual advanced and specialized training. For Warren County Sheriff’s patrol, deputies respond to emergency calls for service, from reports of criminal activity or collisions to natural disasters. Civil process service includes subpoenas, summons, and warrants. According to WCSO Records, patrol activities in 2009 totaled 128,000.
When working with others in the community, WCSO deputies value the feedback of residents, volunteers, visitors, community leaders, business owners and human rights advocates. With the aid of fellow law enforcement, emergency management and health services, the patrol deputies are more capable of evaluating and addressing that feedback. Further, our deputies collaborate with legislators, prosecutors, educators, probation officers, social workers, and child support personnel – viewing them all as vital stakeholders in the community’s well-being.
Despite daily exposure to the more traumatic circumstances of life, Warren County Sheriff’s Office deputies still believe that every encounter can be an opportunity to better our community, to take every preventive measure possible, to let victims know they have protectors, that they are not alone, that we will do our utmost to rectify injustice, and that a life can be restored and rebuilt for the betterment of all.
As one of our patrol deputies said, “We would like to make Warren County such a peaceful, tranquil place that we’d put ourselves right out of business! Now, that will probably never happen, but that doesn’t mean we’ll stop trying – to do everything we can, to the best of our ability to make Warren County safe and crime-free – one person, one situation, one service call at a time.”
…Perhaps a lofty ideal, but a noble one to aspire to nonetheless. Call on us if we can be of service at (270) 842-1633.